Kris Kristensen


Kris.k @ dopeshoots . com

Kris’ very first memory is watching the original KING KONG (1933) on TV at his grandmother’s house. Ever since then, he’s had a love of film and animals. After graduating with a BFA in Live Action Film from the California Institute of the Arts, Kris spent seven years working in Los Angeles until the Northridge Quake bumped him up to Seattle.

It was here that he made his first feature film INHERITANCE, worked as a story producer on HOARDERS, co-created the 20/20 Awards and podcast (Oscars with hindsight), and the Focus Ring. He’s since gone on to direct award winning shorts, music videos and commercials. Recently he edited the kung fu comedy, THE PAPER TIGERS, and is currently developing several projects as feature films.

Commercials have always appealed to Kris’ passion for storytelling, because he loves the challenge of telling a story in the limited :30 second format.