Last Exit To Nowhere - THE THING

Our goal with this spot was to capture the icy, arctic atmosphere of John Carpenter’s THE THING (1982). We relied heavily on art direction, low-key lighting, and sound design to achieve this effect. Also, it was really cool that we got a dog who could act… or is that an actor in a dog suit? We’ll never tell.

Director/Writer/Producer :: Danny Cork & Kris Kristensen

Director of Photography :: Kris Kristensen

Art Director :: Danny Cork

Editor/FX/Color :: Rich Phelps

Music :: Jessica Aceti

Sound Design :: Meredith Wylegala

On Camera Talent :: Matt Dy, Daniel Gildark, Wizard

As fans and customers of Last Exit to Nowhere, we at D.O.P.E. decided they were the perfect company for us to create a series of ads for to help demonstrate our capabilities and the kind of work we thrive on.

Last Exit to Nowhere’s products are based on a range of beloved movies and TV shows. Their clothing, stickers, mugs, and accessories feature the logos and iconography of fictional companies -- lending their products an “in-universe” authenticity that fans adore.


SyFy Channel - THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS - :15 Second Spot


Last Exit To Nowhere - THE SHINING - :30 Second Spot